James Lau
Jessie Li
Amy Liu
Bella Tu
Bonnie Shao
Our advantage products: 100G 10/40/80KM CFP/CFP2,QSFP28,10G RJ45,10G CWDM/DWDM SFP+.CWDM/DWDM MUX DEMUX ,Fiber passive products and Active products. PACBTECH Founded in March 2014 with registered capital of 100 million, Pacific Brands Technology Limited. is an emerging technology company devoted to the development, production and sales of high-end optical transmission modules . PACBTECH have powerful R&D team,advanced technology,strong production capacity,strict quality control,wide range of product line, together with its fast delivery and high-quality service, and favorable prices,have earned itself a good reputation in the market. The products,completely in conformity with industrial standard and agreements,are widely used in high speed network OTN/PTN/FTTX/IDC/IPTV, etc.,and are mainly exported to overseas markets. With the rapid development of Chinese Internet applications,PACBTECH is shifting its focus to the domestic market and actively works closely with various network application companies committing to promoting the upgrading and information security services of China's smart network.
PACBTECH has obtained various certifications 0f ISO9001, RoHS, TUV, CE, and FCC. In the industry of optical communications,our long-standing commitments are continuous product upgrading, reliable quality, competitive prices, excellent compatibility, fast responsive services, stable supply of products.
Our advantage products: 100G 10/40/80KM CFP/CFP2,QSFP28,10G RJ45,10G CWDM/DWDM SFP+.CWDM/DWDM MUX DEMUX ,Fiber passive products and Active products.
All of these products are widely applied in many industries like telecom, traffic, government organization, campus network, oil industry, electric power system, and public security etc. Pacific Brands Technology Limited is one of the biggest and fastest growing multi products manufacturing and service provider (including OEM, ODM service and customized) in Shenzhen China.
Corporate philosophy:High-performance, cost-effective products to fulfill their requirements, contributing this way to the customer's success and satisfaction
Core values:quality first, customer first, and create quality products in communication industry.
Enterprise tenet: people-oriented, caring for employees and serving the society. Business philosophy:Focused, Professional and reliable partner.


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